Are all of the sites listed free?
No, not all of the cam sites featured on our website are free to use. Most of the sites, however, have free features and but are not 100% free. Please read each sex cam site review for more pricing details.
Will I be charged referral fees for visiting a cam site listed on this website?
Our service is free of charge. Clicking on a link to a cam site listed on this website will not incur any extra charges or referral fees.
I don’t see my favourite sex site listed here; should I let you know about it?
Yes, let us know! While we are already deluged with sex cam sites to test and review, we would love to add new sites to our bucket list. If you know a crazily good sex cam site that is not featured in our list, let us know and we will gladly add it to our list of sites to review if it’s not already there.
Are all of the chat sites listed for adults only?
Yes. The sites listed are for 18+. However, most of the sites maintain a PG13 Rating on the public chats. Please read the terms and conditions for each site in order to see their age restriction.
Are any of these sites frauds?
No. These sex cam sites have been evaluated by our team for credibility. In fact, most of the sites are registered in their respective countries and pay tax to their respective governments. However, we cannot guarantee that you will not be scammed by other users using the sites. Please refer to our safety guidelines in the blog section to ensure you are safe while using these sites.
I had a bad experience with a chat site; how do I make you aware of it?
Sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with one of the sites listed here. Please let us know the name of the site and the experience you had. From there, we will decide on the best course of action. We can consider reviewing the site, but we cannot guarantee that you will get compensated for the bad experience. Please use our contact form in the contact section to share your experience.
How do I contact if I have a question about the site, an idea to make it better or an inquiry on a potential partnership?
We would love to hear from you and you can contact by filling out our contact form found at
contact-us. We look forward to your suggestions and possible partnership.
Are you paid to rank a sex cam site higher?
No. Our ranking system is based on merit. Our team of reviewers test runs each website before awarding points. However, some site owners pay us a small amount for any qualifying leads or click. We use the money to keep the site online and pay our team of reviewers.
How do I cancel and get a refund from a site? only reviews the sex cam sites. We do not own the sex cam sites listed on this website! Intrinsically, we are not in position to refund your money that you might have spent on any site you joined. However, many of the sex cam sites we feature have a money-back policy. If you are not satisfied with their services chosen and wish to claim a refund, kindly contact the site you joined by going to their support section.
What if I have questions that are not in this list?
If you have questions about sex cam sites, or about, don’t hesitate to send us an e-mail or contact our team.